1. Establishment and operationalization of District AIDS Prevention &Control Unit since Oct 2008 function as one of the Unit of MSACS) :
• At the initial stage of DAPCU functioning since Oct.2008, 4 PHCs were identified and functioned as FICTC.but as on april 2021 to till march 2022, 5 PHCs and 1 PPM are identified as FICTC.
• 6 FICTC are set up in the District till date in all PHCs.i.e2022.
• At present all 6 FICTCs submitted monthly report regularly and on time, all FICTC SIMS report was feed by DAPCU to SACS.
• There are 3 stand alone ICTC fuctioning in the Kolasib district (2) district Hospital based including Mobile ICTC,1 stand alone at community Health centre vairengte a town neighbouring Cachar District Assam.besides Case Detection Unit function as extended armed of mobile ICTC.
• At present there are 3 TI(NGO) and 1 link worker scheme in the district.
• 2 OST centre functioning at kolasib district
• A fullfledged ART centre function on district hospital based and 1 link ART centre function since 24thof october 2019 based at Community Health Centre vairengte.
A project on OVC function since 2021 at Kolasib district NonTI based.
Total HIV Positive detected ( General Client & Pregnant Women)
| March | June 2002-March2022 |
Total Blood Tested | 627 | 79832( M: 30885; F:48843) |
HIV Positive | 12 | 1609 ( M:1032 ; F: 577) |
i.e. 2.0% are HIV +ve out of Total no. of Blood Tested
General Client
| March | June 2002- March2022 |
Total Blood Tested | 350 |
HIV Positive | 11 |
Pregnant Women
| March | Dec 2005 – March 2022 |
Total Blood tested | 172 | 33026 |
HIV Positive | 1 | 150 ( 0.45% ) |
Kolasib District HIV Status is based on monthly report of the following testing facilities:
2 ICTCs - Vairengte CHC & Kolasib District Hospital , 1- Mobile ICTC &
6 FICTC - Bilkhawthlir PHC, Bukpui PHC, Bairabi PHC ,Lungdai PHC, Kawnpui PHC & Nazareth Nursing Home
Meeting conduct:
(1) A quarterly meeting conduct by DAPCU among NACP facilities.
(2) Conduct meeting with NHM on quaterly basis.
(3) Monthly co ordination with National TB Elimination program.
(4) ART centre coordination with DAPCU
(5) District AIDs prevention Control committee held on quarterly basiis under the chairman of Deputy Commissioner.
HIV/AIDS awareness Campaign:
(1) In coordination with District Education officer held HIV awareness campaign at High school &Higher secondary in the kolasib district.
(2) Conduct HIV awareness in every different church denomination among youth who attend Sunday school.
(3) Conduct HIV awareness in every platform available in the district with NACP facility staff.
(1)DAPCU in consultation with KARDU (Kolasib Auto rickshaw driver Union all Autorickshaw stand at different locality within kolasib district identified as condom and distributed IEC material on HIV booklet,ART booklet,condom promotion ,FAQ etc.
(2) 47 variety store of Kolasib district are identified as condom outlet.
(3)All anganwadi centre both Thingdawl block and Bilkhawthlir Block are iedntified as condom oulet and IEC material outlet.
(4) 5 variety store are identified as Secondary Distribution of needles&syringes.
Social benefits scheme:
(1) DAPCU & TI(NEXUS(core composite) Initiate4 female sex worker applied for ration card in consultation with District Civil supply officer and permitted for this 4 person.
(2) DAPCU applied for 2 PLHIV for training of bakery technician free of cost under the department Of Urban Development &Poverty Alleviation kolasib district.
(3) DAPCU applied for 12 HRG AAY card in consultation with district supply department and fortunatly it was approved all these 12 applicant.